Thursday, December 25, 2008
Wednesday, December 24, 2008
bless endorphans
Posted by Megan at 10:05 AM 0 comments
my heart hurts
So, some you know bits and pieces of my health story and some of you know more then you should ever want or half to know but here is the update for all those who are wondering what is going on with the "brain tumor."
I went to the Specialist today who was kind, smart, funny and actully listened. He said the tumor is 3 mm big and something to be checked yearly for a few yrs then every other yr and then after about 10 yrs we can stop checking it. He doesn't expect it to grow and my lab results show no indication of causing any hormone imbalance. So I should be thrilled huh?
He is putting me back on all the same meds i was on earlier this year. That is a good thing- I felt better on the previous meds. I am also very sad. I cried a little- why doesn't someone have an answer for me. I'll willing to do the work to get healthy and drop the weight. In theroy if I could drop the weight a lot of the symptoms I'm now expierencing would go away. The trick is how in the heck to get there.
Many of you know the multipul extreems I have gone to in order to remidy the situation. Not to meniton the on going eating right and workout plan that has now become a lifestyle. It makes my heart hurt when no one seems to know what else I can try or do diffrent in order for this to happen.
I want so badly to be healthy so i can run faster, be stronger, have a greater change of having children and maybe even get a date someday. I'll get over it and soon find some strength to try again but for now I just want to give up the fight. I'm done trying and failing. Maybe i'm in denial, maybe there is something more I can be doing but for at least the next 10 min I don't have much hope that there is an answer. What do you do when your best just isn't good enough?
My heart just hurts
Posted by Megan at 12:11 AM 6 comments
Tuesday, December 16, 2008
Almost pee'd my pants
Hope you find it as funny as I did. Always knew we were performers deep down :)
Posted by Megan at 11:39 AM 4 comments
Monday, December 15, 2008
Inspiration in 2 min from movies
YOU CAN DO IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Posted by Megan at 3:29 PM 0 comments
Twitter- I'm converted!
If you're not on twitter now is the time to join. Get in early... don't wait 3 years until you have to. Be ahead of the business game! then add me... I loaded my twitter feed right into the blog- look on the right hand side... click follow and we'll be friends there. I will be posting tons of cool things in my twitter feed that you won't want to miss.
Posted by Megan at 10:14 AM 1 comments
Joshy and missing the warm weather
I'm missing the warm weather. Here are pics from another bike ride that I never posted. I was pretty proud that these pics were taken while riding a bike... that's right people, while riding :) Also missing my shuffle... I washed it in a pair of jeans. That is one danger of it being so little:)
Posted by Megan at 10:07 AM 1 comments
Wednesday, December 10, 2008
Christmas Work Party
Posted by Megan at 10:11 AM 0 comments
Bye Chicken!
So if you read my mom's blog you'll probably rememebr an entry not to long ago that talked about how we had to kill a chicken. Here are the pics! Dad was in a hurry becasue he was missing the first 3 minute of the BYU/UTAH game. Back to the chicken, the large buldge is an egg that somehow came out but it came out with it's guts still around it... it had another egg backed up so there was only one thing to do... Marta did it. Mom and I ran and screamed like little girls. I still want to be a rancher but I don't ever want to do the killing part. Yes people, we are a little bit country :)
Posted by Megan at 8:43 AM 1 comments
Tuesday, December 9, 2008
Andrew's B-day!
A few weeks ago was Andrew's bithday. I'm way behind on posting pics so you might get an overload in the next few days. We went to Cheesecake Factory- YUM!!! They even put a candel in his cheesecase and sang to him. Me and Braden Split the Chicken fingers with mac and cheese and something else I can't remember right now. Everything there is HUGE and in the words of Elle (my 3 yr old cousin) " DELICIOUS FOOD!"
Posted by Megan at 11:14 AM 1 comments
Team Hoyt
Anyone need happy. inspiring thoughts... this is maybe my favorite story of how feeling lead to results. I end up in tears everytime. Watch this!!!
Posted by Megan at 10:26 AM 0 comments
Wednesday, December 3, 2008
Just another joy of being single
So an unnamed boy whom I used to love and still love to look at sent me a text late last night telling me that he had kissed a girl and really, really enjoyed it.
um.... okay?
He wanted me to know that he's still not interested even though we haven't talked in months
or he had no one else to tell and now he wants someone to talk to
or He are stupid!
Wierd... I want a real man, who thinks.
Posted by Megan at 1:37 PM 5 comments
$1.45 for gas
That's right people I filled up fpr $18.24- the whole tank. The joy of a good deal is unexplainable!
Posted by Megan at 11:05 AM 3 comments
Monday, December 1, 2008
Posted by Megan at 11:25 AM 2 comments
Tuesday, November 25, 2008
Facebook Magic!

Posted by Megan at 9:52 AM 0 comments
Friday, November 21, 2008
Jake's call to Manchester, England
Man I love this kid. He has become a brother over the summer. He brings his dates over and walks into the house just like the rest of us. Sometimes he even says family prayer. So excited for your fun adventure... especially to England. I don't know how you couldn't fall in love with such a charming country. It's really lovely- their accent, the history and the amazing scenery. Josh I miss you and your friends being around. You were always a good time!
Posted by Megan at 10:36 PM 1 comments
Wednesday, November 19, 2008
Last night's deal
Posted by Megan at 8:41 AM 6 comments
Friday, November 14, 2008
My little corner at work
Posted by Megan at 8:33 AM 6 comments
Monday, November 10, 2008
one more game...
Posted by Megan at 3:13 PM 4 comments
Thursday, November 6, 2008
Tumor... huh?
Posted by Megan at 6:48 PM 5 comments
Thursday, October 23, 2008
I was impressed enough to post it. the web site is also really interesting if your interested.
Posted by Megan at 2:50 PM 0 comments
My new Job
I am working for Close to My Heart... the scrapbooking company I was really excited about in an earlier post. It's in a perfect location for me... you've probably seen there building it's right off I-15 off our our PG/Lindon exit.
I am there new Business Development Specialist. This is a new position for the company so my responsibilities will evolve as they figure out really what they want me to do. Although this is what I do know.... It is a direct sales company so I will work with there upper leadership levels helping them to be trained better. I will take suggestions from them on what they feel like they are missing in training and do the research and get them the training they need. I will also be "spying" on other direct sales companys to see how they are training and take there good ideas and implement them into what we are doing. I will also be traveling to confrences and trainings they will each us about what trainings are out there. I will also get to go to the events and help train there... I love the travel thing and am so dang excited about it!!!
I am really hoping to get to go on the next incentive trip although I don't think I'll get to go. They are going to New Zealand... FUN!!! They are doing 2 incentive trips this next year and the other one is the exact same cruise I took this spring. I will happily volenteer for both :)
Sometimes we have to stop and do creative projects so we are trained in our products... life is hard when you are paid to make cards and really cute crafts. The people are great and the atmosphere is really laid back. My Boss is fantastic! She is the opposite of a micro manager... love that! I get to create my own schedual and have tons of flexability on how I accomplish tasks. I'll keep you informed on how everything goes and what fun projects I am doing.
For now I'm still going through training. Can't wait to get up to speed so I can hit the road running!
Posted by Megan at 7:36 AM 3 comments
Sunday, October 19, 2008
Debt its STUPID!!!!
I start my new job tomorrow... so excited to have money so that I can get out of debt. Be the Gazelle.... you won't get it if you haven't read the book. Special Shout out Dave who got me excited again about being a Gazelle.
Posted by Megan at 10:43 PM 1 comments
Monday, October 13, 2008
Thursday, October 9, 2008
Happy Birthday Joshy!!!
Josh wanted to go to the Zoo so we went! It was really fun just Josh, Mom, Dad and I got to go becasue of scheduling. It was a really fun day after we picked up the rest of the boys and went to PF changes for yummy dinner... good choices Joshy! We love, love, love you!
Posted by Megan at 3:25 PM 2 comments