Just when I'm seeing the light at the end of the debt tunnel I get hit by a motorcycle who doesn't have insurance and says I turned into him. I was completely stopped when he made a wide turn into my lane and hit me head on- hurting my cars bumper, side panel, head light and hood. It was confirmed today that he has no insurance. That was followed by a call from my insurance agent letting me know he has an attorney involved and he is planning on suing me... awesome. Then yesterday I get a knock on my door from the cute couple who live beneath me saying they have water damage from something leaking in my utility closet. So creditors you get your wish more money will get put on the card instead of being payed off this month. I wanna cry right now but won't because I'm at work. Maybe when I go home. Oh... did I mention I caught a really bad cold?
Good news: School went really well today the kids we're interacting and and I planned the perfect amount. My friends and family still like me and I'm not a complete failure.
Home Sweet Home! by The Pioneer Woman
4 years ago
So sorry Megan!! Stupid motorcycles. They are no good at all! But it will all work out. Just keep that beautiful smile our your face. Love ya girl!
Everything in the last sentence is true. And I'm glad.
Good luck with the rest!
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