Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Last night's deal

15 boxes of cerial
2 bags frozen veggies
1 egg beaters
1 dannon yogurt
1 $5 gift card....
Total: $14.26
So, if you minus the $5 gift card that's $9.26
9.26/15(boxes of cerial) = .61 cent a box
not to mention the bonus items... when was the lsat time you got cerial for .61 cents a box?


Gene and Sheri Family said...

If I had the money....I'd hire you to come organize my house (OR follow trouble maker William around while I do it!) AND have you be my personal shopper!!!! HOW'D you do that??? :)

Anonymous said...

I've got to learn how to do this.

Carrie Mullins said...

What are you going to do with 15 boxes of cereal?

Anonymous said...

I'd love to know how you did this so I can do it too! GREAT deal!

Kath said...

Way to go Megan! I coupon shop and have for years. Now my kids do that. The coupons are just like money, so if one throws them away, it is like throwing money out of your wallet in the garbage! My opinion.

Semi Granola Mom said...

Yes, how are you finding these deals? I would love to know too. like where yo find the coupons and what not... this is Clerissa Lewis, formerly Richter... I don't know if you would remember me :)