Thursday, February 18, 2010

New job

I now work for a SEO (search engine optimization) company called Today was day 2... if every day is half as good as the first 2 days have been I'm gonna love it. They like me :) & more impressively I like them. They work hard and get things done while having fun. They have a great product that will really help small/ medium companies. It's fun to be in a place with such great synergy.

Side thought... I wish sometimes we could just fix things and heal hearts for friends that are hurting. I guess that's part of the plan is to deal with our own consequences and hopefully learn. I'm just got good at being patient for myself or others. Gotta work on that.


Bre said...

yay! Congrats on the job! Are you still able to teach?

Megan said...


Still teaching just can't give it up! how are you and the kids doing?