Sunday, August 31, 2008


lets see how long it takes before they look at my blog...... :) check out this site on pics. So fun and take 5 seconds. Way too much fun. Love ya parents!


Gene and Sheri Family said...'m laughin so hard I can barely type this...and a trip to the pottie might be good!!!

Michele said...

That 1st pic I saw of your Dad I thought was real until I saw the next one of your Mom....too funny I have never seen a one of your Dad with hair.

vie said...

never in my life have i enjoyed anything as much as this blog post. i am laughing so hard right now.

Jamie and Julie said...

I especially find the pictures of your dad, to be hilarious.

Kath said...

These are really good. I know what your dad looked like when he was growing up and some are real close to the way he looked back then. The one in the red plaid shirt, I thought I was looking at my dad (your grandpa Harris, for a second.
Love, Kath

Anonymous said...

Ha ha! What a good laugh! Thanks for sharing. You probably don't remember me, but I was in the same ward as your parents. These are great. Have they seen them yet?