Thursday, January 8, 2009

Knowing when to stop

Gross! I think the girl looks great but the men are simply putrid. I am sad to report I didn't get a workout in yesterday:( Heading to the gym on my way home from work. Eaten good all day. Feeling very tired. Must sleep more.


Amy said...

Amen, that's gross. :)

I'm so sorry that you understand the pain of not knowing what the crap is wrong with your body. I wish you didn't. I'm all for playing sometime. And I'm glad you're hanging out with Braden, I'd love for us all to play sometime. I haven't even seen him since we said goodbye before his mission. Wow, it's weird that I haven't seen him because we're friends on facebook, so I feel like I've seen him...weird. Anyway, yes, let's play! E-mail me.

Jason & Kelli West said...

Meg I just love your guts!! I agree that those guys have way too many muscles on them... and veins!! Your awesome though, and I am so proud of you for working out. I know you can do it... you have will power that I will never know where it comes from!!

Anonymous said...

Way to go on the Biggest Loser comp. I am always a little bit tiered when I'm losing weight. Something about having that 1000 less calories via exercise and eating a little less. I just had to plan on a lot more sleep, or at least the recommended 7-9...emphasis on the 9 =) You're going to do great! I'm excited to hear all about your results =)